I received immense response to my last article on the Five Pointed Circle. ZhoonDas from around the world mailed me with diverse kind of comments. I will be sharing with you the information gained out of these comments soon.
Among all the mails received, one from the renowned ZhooNith Specialist Zhoonkerberg from California, is worth a separate article because it helps answering a fundamental question of Mathematics.
For quiet long, people from around the world have wondered why you need to find the x. Many have concluded that it is wasteful exercise because as and when you think you have found it, the question again pops up. Even though some ZooNith enthusiasts of the past had claimed of knowing the answer, they never recorded it or no record is available now.
Now a word about ZooNith. This way of understanding Mathematics is not so well known. Even among the ZhhonDas it is not well accepted. The reason is simple. ZhooNith has many hypothesis that are used in solving the problems and proving the theorems. Usage of the hypothesis depends entirely on the abilities of the person in question. Some difficult to prove theorems like the Theory of the Heliocle which takes approximately 125 steps to prove using Mathematics may take 1 to 2000 steps in ZhooNith. Legend says that the Founder of ZhooNith proved it one step by using the "Hence Proved" hypothesis.
So here goes the letter from Zhoonkerberg.
Hi Sukhesh,
I must first appreciate your commitment to ZhoonDa Dharma and your good intention of taking the light of ZhoonDa to the people in darkness. Though there are speculations on spreading ZhoonDai (as it violates the Third Principle to some extent) and although some ZhoonDas don't like your concept, I will support your cause.
I couldn't stop chuckling when you explained the theories behind the Circle. No no, nothing wrong with your interpretation and nothing wrong with views of most of the ZhoonDa scholars whose opinion you have referred. The chuckle was because of the mention of the Mumpa Caves and the emblem present there in the caves.
Most people have a misconception that The Five Pointed Circle is depicted pictorially as the circle seen in the Mumpa Caves. But that is totally incorrect. The Five Pointed Circle is more than merely a circle. As you said, it may represent the Five Principle and the auxiliary principle that result from one's experience and experiments. But how do they relate to the Life in real sense? Do you consider all the elements equally in your life? Probably not.
Its true that the Five Principles are important and form the base for ZhoonDai. But remember that ZhoonDai is just the baseline. ZhoonDa Dharma is about evolving it and living it. So, for all practical purposes you need a proper implementation of the ZhoonDai. Most of the successful ZhoonDas who attained the status of ZhoonDai consider bringing one Principle into the center and make all other principles revolve around it.
So, for the practical purposes, a real circle can't represent the Circle. You need something else. This something else is the x. x too has five points as the Five Pointed Circle does. But the main difference lies in the placement of points. If you observe closely, it has one point at the center (representing one principle) and others spread in the four directions. So, x is the practical form of the Circle.
I have put these terms in the layman terms. But actually it involves lot of ZhooNith which is quiet complex.
Well, thats said, how do you arrive at x from the Circle? This is ZhooNithly done using a transformation. The experts in ZhooNith may derive this transformation in one step. Others may have to use hundreds, or sometimes thousands, of steps. In real life, this transformation can be arrived at after multiple experimentation with life and observing the results closely. All in all, it is the experience that matters most. Please remember that expert ZhooNiths can solve it fast as they have lots of experience in hand.
This is the fundamental concept of ZhooNith. Later when Mathematics started growing as an independent branch of science, it took with it the concept of x. But it left behind the concept of Circle. Even now you can see people around you struggling to find x not knowing why they should find it.
ZhooNith has many more such interesting accounts. Hop I will get enough time to write you about such things.
Hope we will meet at the Next Assembly.
" For the ZhoonDas:So, you must find the x to understand the Circle and through which you attain ZhoonDai. Finding the x is not a straightforward process. At the same time, please remember that it is not an impossible task. Many ZhoonDas have done it before that.
For the non ZhoonDas:These concepts may seem strange. But they are not. They are just a different and little more involved way of looking at life. As and when you understand the ZhoonDai, you will know more.
Thanks Zhoonkerberg for valuable inputs.